Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 4, 2014

Rachel Bertsche, MWF Seeking BFF: My Yearlong Search For A New Best Friend

But on a Sunday morning when I want to grab an omelet over girl talk, I’m at a loss. My Chicago friends are the let’s-get-dinner-on-the-books-a-month-in-advance type. We email, trading dates until we find an open calendar slot amidst our tight schedules of workout classes, volunteer obligations (no false pretenses here, the volunteers are my friends, not me, sadly), work events, concert tickets and other dinners scheduled with other girls. I’m looking for someone to invite to watch The Biggest Loser with me at the last minute or to text “pedicure in half an hour?” on a Saturday morning. To me, that’s what BFFs are.

Life Quotes And Sayings by Rachel Bertsche, MWF Seeking BFF: My Yearlong Search For A New Best Friend

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